Couples / Marriage

Marriage Counseling Services in Statesville

Build your Better Marriage with Couples Counseling

Couples Counseling Services StatesvilleCouples counseling is a process through which a couple (who may be engaged, dating, married, partnered—or sometimes even parent and child or other pairings) works with our trained therapist to identify specific areas of conflict and/or aspects of their relationship they would like to change. Through counseling we develop a plan of action to improve each individual’s satisfaction and contentment.

At In The Garden Counseling you’d be working with a therapist in a safe, and confidential setting. This allows couples to explore how their individual backgrounds, beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors may be impacting their relationship in both positive, and negative, ways. Our therapist may assist the couple with addressing any immediate and pressing problems, as well as developing strategies for protecting and enhancing the long-term health and happiness of their relationship.

While couples and marriage counseling can be done in healthy relationships to build a closer bond and strengthen a marriage, the following warning signs may help identify underlying issues for couples:

  • Distancing from your partner
  • Cheating Behavior
  • Increased Arguments
  • Ignoring reoccurring issues.
  • About to make big life decisions

While we’ve listed some key indicators, we acknowledge that counseling services can cover multiple facets of a relationship. Building a stronger relationship is the ultimate goal.

Additional Resources:



Parenting Counseling Iredell County

Counseling and therapy for parents can be beneficial in various ways. Some parents may become stressed by a particular parenting challenge, be it a one-time event or recurring situation. When a child faces a mental health concern, or behavioral issue, a parent may find help for the children leaving their own emotions, and feelings, unaddressed.

This can be harmful in some cases as stress may accumulate, and leave the parent feeling overwhelmed. In therapy, a parent can address their feelings about certain issues, find support and guidance, and seek professional help for parenting issues and concerns. 

Being proactive is a great way to avoid the raised stressed levels of parenting with avoiding your own emotional support. However, if you find yourself matching any or all of these simple indicators we encourage you to reach out and contact us so we can help you.

Parent Counseling Need Indicators:

  • Shortened Temper
  • Emotional Outburst
  • Experiencing Depression on someone else’s behalf

It is good to recognize that while some of the indicators of needing parenting counseling may seem obvious there are multiple indicators that may be unique to you and you’re personality. If you feel there has been a large change in your behavior or emotional state stemming from becoming a parent or would like to develop better methods of responding to your child/children by utilizing positive parenting techniques,  please contact us today to schedule the initial session.

Background experience consists of assisting parents in learning and developing parenting techniques through a local child abuse prevention agency.  Positive outcomes are evidence of my passion for working with children and their families.

Additional Recommended Resources:


Now scheduling Telehealth online video/phone sessions. This is a simple process that complies with HIPAA requirements to ensure privacy & security. Contact In The Garden Counseling for more information.