Postpartum Depression

Counseling For Postpartum Depression in Statesville

Postpartum Depression

The birth of a baby can trigger a jumble of powerful emotions, from excitement and joy to fear and anxiety. But it can also result in something you might not expect — depression.

Many new moms experience the “postpartum baby blues” after childbirth, which commonly include mood swings, crying spells, anxiety and difficulty sleeping. Baby blues typically begin within the first two to three days after delivery, and may last for up to two weeks.

But some new moms experience a more severe, long-lasting form of depression known as postpartum depression. Rarely, an extreme mood disorder called postpartum psychosis also may develop after childbirth.

Postpartum depression isn’t a character flaw or a weakness. Sometimes it’s simply a complication of giving birth. If you have postpartum depression, prompt treatment can help you manage your symptoms — and enjoy your baby.


Signs and symptoms of depression after childbirth varies, and they can range from mild to severe.

Postpartum baby blues symptoms

Signs and symptoms of baby blues, which last only a few days to a week or two after your baby is born, may include:

  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Sadness
  • Irritability
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Crying
  • Reduced concentration
  • Appetite problems
  • Trouble sleeping

    Postpartum depression symptoms

    Postpartum depression may be mistaken for baby blues at first — but the signs and symptoms are more intense and last longer, eventually interfering with your ability to care for your baby and handle other daily tasks. Symptoms usually develop within the first few weeks after giving birth, but may begin later — up to six months after birth.

Postpartum depression symptoms may include:

  • Depressed mood or severe mood swings
  • Excessive crying
  • Difficulty bonding with your baby
  • Withdrawing from family and friends
  • Loss of appetite or eating much more than usual
  • Inability to sleep (insomnia) or sleeping too much
  • Overwhelming fatigue or loss of energy
  • Reduced interest and pleasure in activities you used to enjoy
  • Intense irritability and anger
  • Fear that you’re not a good mother
  • Feelings of worthlessness, shame, guilt or inadequacy
  • Diminished ability to think clearly, concentrate or make decisions
  • Severe anxiety and panic attacks
  • Thoughts of harming yourself or your baby
  • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicideUntreated, postpartum depression may
    last for many months or longer.


Divorce Counseling Services Iredell County

Reasons that often lead to divorce:

There are numerous reasons marriages end in  divorce. The following reasons have been identified as some of the most common factors leading to divorce:

  • Lack of commitment
  • Infidelity.
  • Communication issues
  • Inequality in marriage
  • Physical and emotional abuse
  • Addiction issues
  • Unrealistic expectations
  • Financial difficulties/how money is managed

Predictors of Divorce:

  • Constant criticism with very little encouragement or positive communication
  • Lack of respect for spouse
  • Defensiveness.
  • Stonewalling (deliberate avoidance of interaction and discussion of problems) which often leads to difficulty in resolving arguments or disagreements.

    Therapeutic Interventions:

  • Therapy is usually done on an individual basis.
  • Goal of sessions can be to address symptoms related to guilt, fear, anxiety, depression and grief
  • Therapy can provide an objective and rational perspective and assists in developing coping skills to work through difficulties.
  • Therapy as a means of  learning more about themselves and come to see the life transition as an opportunity for growth and personal development.
  • Divorce may contribute to or exacerbate certain mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, or personality diagnoses.
  • Many people perceive divorce as a personal failure. Therapy can help one work through those feelings, make sense of the end of the marriage, and obtain a new perspective.
  • Individuals may learn more about what they require from a relationship and what they do not desire in a relationship, and they may, through therapy, discover more about their own nature and personal characteristics.Therapy for children whose parents are divorcing.
  • Because parents may often be consumed with their own feelings during a divorce, they might overlook the emotional state of their children, who may be confused or feel guilt, loss, pain, or abandonment.
  • Children may not be sure which parent they should “choose,” or be loyal to, and they might also worry that they are the cause of the divorce.
  • When parents are aggressive with each other, a child may feel even more fearful, and a child who often hears his or her parents argue about custody arrangements might feel as if he or she is unwanted by either parent, or as if he or she is to blame for the separation.
  • If family members are able to discuss their feelings they may be able to process their emotions more easily and better adjust to the changes.

Adjusting After Divorce

  • Recovering is a process.
  • Adjusting to changes that occur can take time.
  • Part of the process is often the recognition of newly divorced people, whether they initiated the divorce or not, that their lives and the lives of those around them have been profoundly affected by their situation.
  • Worries about financial solvency, employment, or housing may affect them.
  • Stress over losing friends or family members as a result of the divorce can also be difficult to deal with.
  • Parents may be emotionally overwhelmed by guilt as they consider what effects the divorce may have on their children.

These issues can often be worked through during the recovery process. An individual in therapy may be more able to discover necessary coping techniques that can help in the establishment of a new life, and the individual may have an easier time developing a healthy perspective on the divorce.

Therapy can also often provide people with a safe, encouraging, and empowering experience during what might, for some, be a difficult time.

Case Examples

  • Therapy for grief after divorce:  Mark and Linda, a couple in their early thirties who has no children, come in for marriage counseling, as they are considering separation. Linda wants to save the marriage, however, Mark is ready to leave. After two or three sessions, it becomes clear to all involved that Mark has made up his mind. The therapist helps the couple to talk about their relationship openly in such a way that Mark and Linda are both able to learn, grow as individuals, and prepare for separation. After the separation occurs, the therapist continues to work with Linda to help her manage her grief and begin moving forward as a single woman.
  • Divorce after a 30-year marriage:  Nathan, 59, enters therapy after divorcing his wife of 30 years.  Nathan’s children are grown.  He has been unhappy for years. He hoped the divorce would make him feel better, but instead finds that he is devastated by the loss. His wife, who had not wanted a divorce, now seems to Nathan “to be doing fine,” and this confuses him terribly. He even spoke to his wife about reconciling, but she was uninterested. Nathan thinks that is for the best, but he cannot seem to make the adjustment to being single. A therapist helps Nathan identify his fears about being single and then assists him in beginning to develop the skills and support system he needs to stay connected with people and feel hopeful about the future. Together, they identify the benefits of marriage that Nathan has chosen to give up and the benefits of being single that he can now enjoy. Nathan has also developed methods of getting in touch with his grief and his guilt surrounding the divorce, his positive feelings towards his ex-wife, and his fears about being able to stay connected with his children.

Our goal is to assist you in coping with the decision to remain in a marriage or leave.  Both, individual or couples therapy may also be used to address these goals.



Parenting Counseling Iredell County

Counseling and therapy for parents can be beneficial in various ways. Some parents may become stressed by a particular parenting challenge, be it a one-time event or recurring situation. When a child faces a mental health concern, or behavioral issue, a parent may find help for the children leaving their own emotions, and feelings, unaddressed.

This can be harmful in some cases as stress may accumulate, and leave the parent feeling overwhelmed. In therapy, a parent can address their feelings about certain issues, find support and guidance, and seek professional help for parenting issues and concerns. 

Being proactive is a great way to avoid the raised stressed levels of parenting with avoiding your own emotional support. However, if you find yourself matching any or all of these simple indicators we encourage you to reach out and contact us so we can help you.

Parent Counseling Need Indicators:

  • Shortened Temper
  • Emotional Outburst
  • Experiencing Depression on someone else’s behalf

It is good to recognize that while some of the indicators of needing parenting counseling may seem obvious there are multiple indicators that may be unique to you and you’re personality. If you feel there has been a large change in your behavior or emotional state stemming from becoming a parent or would like to develop better methods of responding to your child/children by utilizing positive parenting techniques,  please contact us today to schedule the initial session.

Background experience consists of assisting parents in learning and developing parenting techniques through a local child abuse prevention agency.  Positive outcomes are evidence of my passion for working with children and their families.

Additional Recommended Resources:


Family Counseling Services in Statesville

Family Counseling builds a bond to strengthen and unite your family

Family counseling is beneficial when a family experiences any stressful event or crisis that may strain family relationships. These consist of things such as financial hardship, divorce, or the death of a loved one. It can also be effective in treating mental health concerns that impact the family as a whole, such as depression, substance abuse, chronic illness, or everyday concerns, such as communication problems, interpersonal conflict, or behavioral problems in children and adolescents.

The overall goal of family counseling is to promote understanding, and collaboration among family members, in order to solve the problems of one or more individuals. For example, if a child is having social and academic problems, therapy will focus on the family patterns that may contribute to the child’s acting out, rather than evaluating the child’s behavior alone. As the family uncovers the source of the problem, they can learn to support the child, and other family members, while working proactively on minimizing or altering the conditions that contribute to the child’s unwanted behavior.

Johannah has worked in a school environment for approximately 20 years. This included grades K-12.  A portion of this experience was obtained while working in an alternative school setting. In addition to this, Johannah taught a college success course in the early college program at Mitchell Community College in Statesville, NC.  She also assisted parents in learning and developing parenting skills and techniques through a local child abuse prevention agency.  Positive outcomes are evidence that she has a passion for working with children and their families.  Contact us today to schedule sessions as a means of assisting your family with current symptoms that are being experienced.


Now scheduling Telehealth online video/phone sessions. This is a simple process that complies with HIPAA requirements to ensure privacy & security. Contact In The Garden Counseling for more information.